Camera di Commercio Italo Sud Africana

The Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industry is a non-profit organization that supports the Italian-South African business community and assists with commercial ventures between the two countries.

The Chamber acts as a bridge between Italian and South African business. We provide vital knowledge, contacts and tailor-made assistance for Italian and South African companies to be able to navigate the prospects of bilateral trade between the two countries.

Founded in 1983 by a group of 15 prominent South African-Italian businessmen, the Italian Chamber has retained an extremely strong board of directors, consisting of some of the top Italian-South African business figures. The Chamber is thus given its mandate and guidance by a highly knowledgeable group of people who are extremely attuned to the relationship between Italy and South Africa. Every year, members of the Chamber elect an Executive Committee which works to adopt and revise strategies relevant to the annual context of the market.

We believe that there remain many opportunities in both the South African and Italian markets; and the different global economic positions of the two countries provide many opportunities for partnership between the two nations. Our team is able to tailor-make the most suitable solution for our clients. In addition to the wide range of services we offer to members and non-members, we support clients by means of personalized trade and investment solutions.

Contact us

Event Details

La generazione distribuita attraverso la biomassa, il biogas e i rifiuti urbani sono aree che hanno un grande poteziale di sviluppo in Sud Africa.

L'IRP (Integrated Resource Plan 2019) prevede la cogenerazione, con una dotazione illimitata fino al 2022 e 500 MW all'anno, dal 2023 al 2030,dalle biomasse, biogas e rifiuti urbani.

In sintesi, i fattori che guidano l'accelerazione degli impianti di biogas in Sudafrica sono:

  • Quadro normativo a promozione delle energie rinnovabili,
  • Finanziamenti e incentivi Green
  • Sicurezza energetica (fornitura di rete inaffidabile e tariffe in costante aumento),
  • Fonti di materie prime ampiamente non sfruttate, ad es. discariche che raggiungono la loro capacità, un florido settore agricolo e circa 200 impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue a livello nazionale,
  • L'impegno del governo verso fonti di energia più pulite.


June 10, 2020

Main Schedule

10:00 - 10:10
• Saluti di Benvenuto, Luca Donelli
Luca Donelli (President at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C))
Luca Donelli
Carmen Disanto (Cluster Manager at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C))
Carmen Disanto
10:10 - 11:00
• Opportunità nel settore del Biogas in Sud Africa
Alberto Borello (General Secretary at SABIA)
Alberto Borello
Pamina Bohrer (Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries)
Pamina Bohrer
11:00 - 11:10
• Il supporto della Camera di Commercio ITALO-SUDAFRICANA alle aziende italiane per l’internazionalizzazione
Silvia De Toni (Deputy Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries)
Silvia De Toni
11:10 - 11:30
Q & A


Alberto Borello (General Secretary at SABIA)

Alberto Borello

General Secretary at SABIA

Luca Donelli (President at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C))

Luca Donelli

President at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C)

Pamina Bohrer (Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries)

Pamina Bohrer

Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries

Silvia De Toni (Deputy Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries)

Silvia De Toni

Deputy Secretary General at Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries

Carmen Disanto (Cluster Manager at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C))

Carmen Disanto

Cluster Manager at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C)

Sponsors and Partners

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