Event Details
Comites Cape Town, in partnership with the Italian Consulate of Cape Town and Italcham, are proud to invite you to the official Cape Town launch of SMILE
Small Medium Italian League of Enterprises
Join us for an Italian cocktail
on the 26 October 2022, 18:00 for 18:30
Attendance is free for all members who register before 21st October 2022
To register for SMILE please visit:
Attendees can register for the launch using the registration button below or by clicking the following link
Event tickets include drinks and dinner
A cash bar will also be available
Enjoy the vibrant energy of true Italian living for you and your business,
AS a member of SMILE your organisation can benefit from:
- Increased visibility within the small to medium Italian enterprises community in South Africa.
- Preferential Rates from fellow SMILE Members
- Accessing a pool of talented Italians within South Africa.
- Revitalise collaboration between Italian companies and the Italian-South African community.